2 min readFeb 2, 2021


Oftentimes we are faced with so many challenges. These challenges make us feel like a tiny boat in the middle of a raging storm. We try so hard to be brave and push back, but sometimes we are afraid, overwhelmed and lose hope.

The mere thought of the issue gives an uncomfortable sense of LONELINESS and HELPLESSNESS. These feelings steal our strength, they choke out all the good in us.
We become too drained to move on and just want to give in and stay down, flat down! Wallowing in defeat and focusing solely on our pain.

But today, not tomorrow I have come to remind you that you are not alone, just look around you, there is SOMEONE SOMEWHERE not so far. Someone who;

1. Has passed through the same storm you are in.

2. Who is currently in the same storm

3.Who is skilled and has acquired the knowledge and techniques to navigate through this storm.

Take a moment to ponder on what you are going through but this time, use a different approach; give it a name (define it). Then think near and also wide for that ‘SOMEONE’ that can help you through the storm. Once you find that person(s), take courage, don’t let fear or pride stop you. Reach out to that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE; a friend, a neighbour, a family, a doctor, a pastor, a coach, a therapist, the list is endless.

You are not ALONE! There is always SOMEONE SOMEWHERE willing and ready to take you safely to the shore.

Instagram: @damilola_thebirthing.co

Email: damilola@thebirthing.co




Psycotherapist|Transformation and Holistic Coach| Social Reformer