3 min readJan 2, 2021


You may be feeling uncomfortable because you are feeling anxious or maybe even totally numb, no hyper emotions, no specific plans and no new year resolutions, nothing. You have tried to act like everything is okay and “fake-join” in all the hoorah of the new year, but deep down in your quiet moments, you stare at your empty journal or planner with no idea of what to write down. “What is happening to me?” You ask.

Do not panic! It’s going to be fine, be rest assured that you are not alone. Feeling overwhelmed at times like this is completely normal. When we feel overwhelmed, our mind can shut down.

Here are the reasons you may feel this way and here’s what to do.

  1. FEELING FOGGED OR CLOGGED: Whether you celebrated big or not, December can be an intense month for anyone! Do something that allows you to completely switch off. Whether that is leaving your phone at home for a few hours while you take a walk or drive, soaking yourself in a warm bath, or going for a massage. Perphaps going away for a while. Just Give yourself permission to relax.

2. FEAR OF UNCERTAINITY OR FAILING: Life is full of uncertainties and 2023 will be no different. If there is one thing you can do during this period, it is to become comfortable with the uncertainties that may come with the new year. Whether or not you have a plan, life knows how to surprise us! Can you think of a time when you were worried about the unknown and it turned out well or even better than you expected? Ponder on this, write it down and use the memory of that experience to guide you into a positive frame of mind. Time always reveals things! In the meantime, you can simply say your new year resolution is to “Focus on the positive”

3. PRESSURE AROUND YOU AND IN YOU: The pressure is always intense in December/ January especially on social media where everyone has been posting their wins and you had no major win to post. While there is nothing wrong with people celebrating, remember that social media is not a place where people broadcast their lows! There is also the Diarohea of Information, motivational speakers and unsolicited advice on social media, 10 ways to do this … 100 ways to do that… 7 ways to be like… *sweating* It may be time to log off from all social media apps for a while, maybe even take a break from some friends who make it their duty to always talk about future plans and goals(not spitefully). Take control of the source of this undue pressure and just do you. You can direct your energy into anything that inspires creativity, laughter and light-heartedness until you find the clarity and direction you need.

4. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES? You may be dealing with depression and or some underlying mental health issue, that is causing the mental fog or clog.Something deep down is choking out the zeal, passion and strength you once had. It takes a professional therapist or counsellor to help you navigate this phase, you can also contact us on info@thebirthing.co where we have qualified and experienced therapist.

Whatever it is, be patient with yourself. Take one day at a time until you are able to get into the mood or mind frame to set goals. Do not forget, Life is not neccessarily about how fast but how well. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing absolutely well.

Happy New Year and i wish you all the best as you navigate through the year 2023.




Psycotherapist|Transformation and Holistic Coach| Social Reformer